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Training Tips for Your New Puppy

Training Tips for Your New Puppy

Labrador Retrievers are among the smartest and most loyal breeds of dogs around, and to enrich your dog-owning experience, you must train properly. It is...
Volunteers Raise Puppies to Become Seeing Eye Dogs

Volunteers Raise Seeing Eye Dog Puppies

Guiding Eyes for the Blind's puppy raising program involves volunteers training pups to become guide dogs who will make a difference in someone's life. Volunteers...
Border Collie Training

Border Collie Training

Traditionally known as herding dogs, border collies can make beautiful pets if appropriately trained. In addition, border collies are highly intelligent and easy to...
Tips to Deal with a Dog that Jumps Up On People

Tips to Deal with a Dog that Jumps Up On People

Jumping dogs can be intimidating and cause harm and injury. Learn how to eliminate the problem. Jumping up on people is quite familiar with dogs...
Dog Body Talk: Do We understand the Signals?

Dog Body Talk: Do We understand the Signals?

Dogs are masters at reading their humans' body language. But on the other hand, humans still have volumes to learn about dog communication. Speech is...
How to Deal with Cat's Aggression

How to Deal with Cat’s Aggression

Making Cats Stop Biting and Scratching Their Owners Reasons for the cat's aggression are multiple. Learn how to avoid and deal with the cat's misbehavior. Even...
How to Use a Cat Carrier Without a Fight

Toilet Train Your Kitten

Teach Your Cat to Use Litter Box Effectively Teaching your cat to use his litter box may be daunting. Determine how you can do this...
Ways to Have Fun with Kittens While Staying Sane Kittens are cute, but they may be demanding. Maintain sanity by creating an environment and a routine conducive to kitten and owner happiness. Everyone loves kittens. They are cute, energetic, soft to hold, and generally delightful. However, a period of adjustment will be required after bringing the new kitten home, whether or not one has other pets. He needs to get used to a routine, respond to their name, learn where to scratch, go to the bathroom, and eat. And where it may play and sleep. But, with a bit of preparation, time, and patience, the kitten will soon become an enjoyable part of the household! A Kitten's Healthiest Environment If the kitten is born to its owner, it's the best situation as then one has control right from birth over its home environment. Most kittens that are not purebred head to their owners around nine weeks of age. Purebred, it can be as late as thirteen weeks. Ideally, the kitten should be exposed to various people, animals, and situations as soon as possible to make it confident and fearless. If it becomes timid due to being frightened early in life, it is usually difficult to change its temperament later. Play music, run the vacuum or coffee grinder, invite cat-friendly dogs over, allow them to interact with children, and generally create an environment as naturalized and diverse as possible. If the kitten must be left alone for extended periods, play music and give it a mirror to interact with, then reassure it with extra care when one returns. A Kitten's Ideal Routine Kittens eat, go to the bathroom and play a lot. They need regular meal times, a clean litter box, and a lot of different types of toys, including ones with bells, feathers, rubber, and other textures suitable for chewing and chasing. A ball of yarn tied to the chair legs can lead to hours of fun. Quiet time is also necessary. If the kitten is becoming too hyperactive, biting, climbing curtains, digging up plants, and ripping up the toilet paper, then isolate the kitten in a room by itself, preferably the room where it was initially brought home socialized in. Make sure it has a comfortable bed in there. If the kitten makes a mess, don't yell at it; instead, separate it from the source of disaster, remove the object that caused trouble, or keep it from danger. For instance, to prevent a kitten from digging in plants, wrap the top of the plant pots in aluminum foil. Next, provide a scratching post. Put a catnip on it and dangle toys off it. The kitten will then scratch it and not the furniture! Saying no firmly and then distracting the kitten with a toy is the best approach to annoying behavior. Instead, always speak the kitten's name soothingly, associating it with food, treats, and cuddles. All kittens have different characters, but most love to be adored and paid attention to. Finding a balance between fun with the kitten and going about the daily routine without being impeded is a goal.

Adjusting to a Kitten in the House

Ways to Have Fun with Kittens While Staying Sane Kittens are cute, but they may be demanding. Maintain sanity by creating an environment and a...

How to Use a Cat Carrier Without a Fight

Taking Cats to the Vet while Avoiding Stress and Struggles Not every trip to the vet needs to start with a harrowing fight to cram...
Cat Alarms and Other Tools for Cat Training

Cat Alarms and Other Tools for Cat Training

How to Train Cats to Stay off Counters, Tables, and Furniture Good cat training tips can be hard to come by! Learn how to use...

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