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Making Cats Stop Biting and Scratching Their Owners
Reasons for the cat’s aggression are multiple. Learn how to avoid and deal with the cat’s misbehavior.
Even though cats are cute and loving creatures, cat owners can experience many behavior-related problems with their pets. For example, cats can become aggressive and attack family members during different periods of their lives. Partly, it’s because a cat’s behavior always reacts to his current physical and emotional condition.
Why are Cats Aggressive?
Every animal, puffy domestic pets included, has strong predator instincts. That’s why, in a way, cats are aggressive by nature. If owners have enough time to play with their cats and provide them with enough space to explore, cats will consume their surplus energy on many harmless activities. However, cats who feel neglected or threatened become gradually aggressive and develop many bad habits that are difficult to handle later.
Cat’s Reasons for Biting and Scratching
Cats can direct aggressive behavior at their owners in several cases:
- Illness or injury – cats suffering from ailments, discomforts, and pain often feels threatened and assume natural self-defense attitudes. They can bite and scratch their owners all of a sudden and for no reason whatsoever;
- Fear and anxiety – sometimes, a cat’s surroundings can cause him a considerable feeling of insecurity. New people in the house, strangers, loud music, as well as moods of other inhabitants, are easily recorded by cats and can make them feel confused;
- Jealousy – new family members in the house and new pets can evoke jealousy in cats. In this case, cats use aggression to draw people’s attention to them. Even if they are well cared for, cats might feel lonely and abandoned;
- Boredom – cat’s aggression can occur due to boredom – lack of playground, games, cat toys, as well as monotonous diet, make cats search for entertainment somewhere where it’s easily accessible – people’s legs and hands are always the easy targets for cats;
- Cat’s depression – depressive atonement in cats, can contribute to the development of aggressive behavior; it occurs mostly due to neglect.
At times, cats can become aggressive for none of the above reasons. Some hormonal changes might be at fault, too. In this case, it’s best to seek advice from a veterinarian.
How to Stop Cat’s Biting and Scratching
You should review the above points, address them, and observe your cat’s behavior for any improvements. You should know about frequent cat ailments and how to avoid them by feeding your cat a varied diet. Next, think of dynamic activities you could involve your cat in. He needs to vent his energy and natural hunter’s instincts. To teach your good cat behavior effectively, remember to “reward” his good behavior with his favorite treats.
Cats misbehave just like all other animals. When you notice negative changes in your cat’s behavior, first try to define the reasons for it instead of punishing your cat for something he might not be able to control.