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Bringing home a new pet is an excellent time for anyone. Making sure the house is ready for a kitten can be a big job, but there are some easy ways.
Taking care of a new kitten is an exciting process, but it can also be like caring for a newborn baby. Kittens demand a lot of love and care. Fortunately, there are many things any pet owner can do to make the transition of a kitten easier and ensure that the cat will grow up happy and healthy.
Preparing Space for a New Kitten
A kitten needs its own space to eat, sleep and use a litter box. Newly adopted kittens are likely to be nervous and shy; there must be a place in the house where the cat feels safe and comfortable. Prepare a bed and sleeping area for a kitten to help it adjust to the home more efficiently.
Choose a room in the house that can easily be accessed for checking on and feeding the kitten. A small room or even a large empty closet works well for helping a kitten adjust to the house. Use a room with no sharp objects or small things that the cat could injure itself or choke on.
Place a small cat bed with a soft pillow or cushion in the room, so the kitten has a spot to sleep. Put some catnip in the bed to entice him to use it. Keep a food bowl, water bowl, and litter box in the room with the kitten, especially overnight. It can help avoid nighttime accidents.
Keep the kitten in its new room for two or three days until it gets used to being around its new family and adjusts to having its own space. Then, begin introducing the kitten to one room of the house each day. Play with the kitten to help it become comfortable in the rooms and with playing and being active.
Feeding a Kitten
It is best to wait to adopt a kitten until weaned. Once a kitten has been weaned, it is more likely to adjust to a new home, and it is easier to feed a weaned kitten. Purchase specially formulated kitten food designed to help cats grow strong and healthy.
Feed the cat at regular times each day and with average amounts of kitten food. Starting a cat on a healthy eating pattern as a kitten establishes a good routine and can help the cat avoid becoming obese. It’s also important to give the cat a lot of water during the day to keep her from getting dehydrated.
Litter Box Training for Kittens
Keep the kitten in a room with its litter box until he knows how to use it. After bringing the kitten home, put him in his litter box. Keep the litter box clean – it should be cleaned daily. Cats are frequently fastidious about their living space, and kittens and adult cats may refuse to use a dirty litter box.
Teach a kitten to use its litter box from a young age to avoid discipline problems with the litter box later on in life. If an accident does occur, clean it up and make sure the cat stays near its litter box for a day or two. Scolding a kitten for an accident is more likely to make the cat afraid of the owner than changing its behavior because the kitten will not understand why she is being yelled at.
Playing with Kittens
Regular playtime with a kitten is essential for establishing a good relationship with the cat and keeping him healthy throughout his life. Cats that play regularly are less likely to become obese. Kittens are also easy to entertain with simple toys like string, feathers, or a flashlight shining on a wall.
Keep the kitten active each day, and put the cat in his bed at night. Although cats are often active at night, their routines can be shaped by those of their human families if the training begins when they are kittens.
Spay or Neuter a Kitten
Kittens should be spayed or neutered to prevent unwanted kittens, spraying, and other messes resulting from a cat that has not had this procedure. Spaying and neutering cats keep a pet healthy, and it protects the cat from other neighborhood cats.
Kittens should also have regular veterinary visits to ensure that they are vaccinated and in good health. Make sure to take the kitten to the vet once a year. Raising a cat is a treat for any family, and bringing a new kitten home can be a wonderful experience. Preparing the house first will help make the transition easier and make the home a happy one for the kitten.